Welcome to AmericaBangla.com. It is an online Bangla newsgathering operation, publishing in the United States of America. This news portal operates with a group of brilliant and youngsters’ journalists whose vision to share fearless, informative, authentic, and neutral news to the readers and mission to build a bridge with Bengali-speaking people all around the world.
AmericaBangla.com is updating 24 hours news with entertainment, lifestyle, special reports, politics, economics, culture, education, information technology, health, sports, columns, and features along with Braking news. We are dedicated to telling the right stories at the right time, and our coverage is focused on the increasingly complex confluence of power, corruption, culture, career, and technology.
We Published News Are:
1. American
2. Bangladeshi
3. Political
4. International
5. Sports
6. Economics
7. Education
8. Science and Technology
9. Entertainment
10. Tips and Tutorials
11. The Court
12. Women
13. Child
14. Art and Literature
15. Weather
16. Career
17. LifeStyle
18. Immigrant
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